So I went to meet the first family today. I meet with the L's (family name hidden for privecy reasons). They are a nice family that just moved here from San Antonio. They have 4 year Ella and a 2 month old son. They seem really nice. They were offering a varying schedule that would guarantee 20 to 30 hours a week for $400 a week. I met Ella and she seemed sweet. The house is about 20 mins from my house so that is good. I still have to meet with 3 other parties.
Tomorrow is the Indian family and S's. I like the Indian family. The mom is really sweet and fun to talk to. It would be 7am to 6:30pm for $375 a week. There are two little boys (8 years old and 2 years old). I would get there in the morning and get the boys ready for school and preschool. Then I would come back to the house and do laundry. Then pick up the youngest and bring him home, get him lunch and put him down for a nap. Then at 3:15 I wake him up and go get his older bother from school. Then it would be snack, homework and one tv show before mom comes home.
The S's would only need me 3 days a week for their 3 month old, Alivia. 8am to 5pm and at $12.50 an hour. So far this is my top choice (I still have to meet the family). This is a family I can be with for a few years. Laura seems really nice. This position will allow me to bond with the child but still leave me available to go back to school and to allow me time to set up house. Plus I would be home early enough in the evening to fix dinner for Matt and be able to do trivia with him. Plus I would be available to go to his shows again.
I also have a third interview with two ladies for a nanny share. It would be two days with one family and two days with the other family. Again 8am to 5pm. But this is only $11 an hour.
So its safe to say I have some thinking to do. I am open to any suggestions.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Just the everyday thoughts, ramblings and odd findings from a girl who is just trying to get through life in one piece.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful But The Blog Is So Delightful
It has been storming for about an hour to an hour and half. It is a doozy. The lighting was intense, insanely bright, and frequent. The thunder is insanely loud. I am surprised that Riley isn't awake. Today was fairly quiet. Just slept at Matt's and hung out with him. We did some grocery shopping and called for utility rate quotes. Now I am at work and bored. Any suggestions?
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Fates Are Smiling Again!!! And Boy, Do They Have A Sense Of Humor!!!
So I know that it has been a few days since my last blog entry and once you hear EVERYTHING you will understand.
First of all the beach was AMAZING!!! I had woken up early on Sunday to make the pecan pie and to finish packing. Matt picked me up at 10am and we went straight down. The ride down was pretty uneventful. We did pass to interesting sites. First was a church that had a sign that said "Today may be your last day". Scary message for the start of your trip... The second place was a store that sales Antique wood which was pretty rotten and weather worn planks of wood. When we arrived in Myrtle Beach we are surprised to see a honest to god Hell's Angel riding by Matt's parents' neighborhood. I have never seen a Hell's Angel before in real life. It was interesting.
We had lunch with Matt's parents. His parents mainly talked about my school situation (they want me to do a class action lawsuit), how Matt was screwed by his school, and how they want to meet my parents (YIKES!!!). After lunch Matt's parents went to a neighborhood pool party while Matt and I stayed back at the house so he could sleep and I could do Nanny job search stuff. I had been posting on Craigslist and had quite a few emails to go through.

When Matt's parents came home we went down to Murrells Inlet to see the fireworks. It was really cool and really pretty down there. Matt and I ate hot dogs and hung out with his folks until the show started. There was a marsh island in front of us that had goats and a peacock. Once the fireworks started I kind of forgot that the others were there. The fireworks were shot off the end of the pier that snaked in front of us. They were huge and really in our faces. They were SOOOOO beautiful. I actually forgot to take pictures of them.

On Monday, we all went out to lunch to this restaurant called Flo's Place. I had a super yummy hamburger. After that Matt's mom took Matt and I to Huntington Beach. Matt and I had a ton of fun playing in the waves. While we were leaving we saw some random kid standing on top of his parents' truck. Stupid parents.
When we left, Matt's dad took us to the neighborhood's new outdoor pool. We had a lot of fun playing football in the pool with some of the kids and other adults. We went back to his parents' house. While his mom cooked dinner, Matt and I hung out in my room playing on our laptops. He was playing facebook games while I responded to more nanny emails. I was also curious about one I had received the day before that seem oddly strict for a "please be our nanny" email. For one thing the mother was very vague about the business they own but said that her husband sang in the Raleigh Opera. So I followed Matt's mom's advice to google her since they had a very uncommon last name. Well imagine my surprise when the majority that pops up is someone by the same name is the co-author of a BUNCH of books with Jenna Jameson. Yes the porn star. So I do more searching and I found the "business" that she owns with her husband (I used the Opera singing to narrow down the right couple) and found out that they create erotic bedtime stories put on CD's. I LOST it. Majorly. I was laughing so hard I was crying. I had to have Matt read this stuff to make sure I wasn't nuts. He was as stunned as I was. I mean when I put up the ad looking for a Nanny position, I never had the faintest idea that someone like this would contact me. I still can't believe it.
Matt's mom made Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes. They were yummy. I unfortunately accidentally rolled my steak across the table when I was trying to cut it (which lead to a night long joke of Matt singing "On top of old smokey"). Everybody had a good laugh over it but I was EXTREMELY embarrassed. After dinner we played more Rummy Que. They also taught me how to play Phase ten which was alot of fun. We played until 1am.

The next day, Tuesday, we headed back to Chapel Hill. Along the way we saw a bunch of weird things. We kept seeing these signs in front of pretty much EVERY church we passed in South Carolina. There were also billboards. The thing that confused us was that they weren't out on Sunday when we were driving through. We also passed this car carrier that looked like the van was about to fall off. It was so bad that NOBODY stayed behind them. We also saw this HHR similar to mine get pulled over. The odd thing about the HHR was that Matt and I are almost positive that it was the very same HHR that was at Huntington Beach the day before when we were there. It was an odd color HHR with Florida tags.

That evening when we got back into town, we met my folks over at TGIFridays for dinner and trivia. My parents have gotten into the trivia stuff too and we had alot fun playing. Of course it doesn't hurt when our team, Taylor Swift Is Our Stalker, came in first place!!! Yay baby!!!
I also announced to my parents that Matt and I are going to moving in together. They seem to take it okay. Honestly, they didn't say much. After trivia Matt and I went to go see Grownups at Southpoint Cinemas. It was our 5 month anniversary and we wanted to do something special for it. So we went and saw a funny movie. It was perfect.
Wednesday was pretty much dull and quiet. Just work and more emails to follow up with. The only excitement was Riley was up all night throwing up and screeching at me "I WANT MY MOMMA!!! YOU'RE NOT MY MOMMA!!! I HAVE STONES IN MY BELLY!!! I WANT MY MOMMA!!! I'LL NEVER SEE MY MOMMA AGAIN!!!". It took hours before Megan (Riley's mom) to finally return my phone call. I had to call her because Riley was continuously throwing up clear mucus. She is better now.
Today was also pretty quiet. Slept the whole day at Matt's apartment. Then I met with the mother of one of the people I am interviewing with this weekend. I have a very busy weekend a head of me. I have two interviews on Saturday and another two on Sunday. I also have two more that I have yet to schedule for next week. I hope to have a decision made by next weekend to be with a new family. I will be leaving Riley. I just can't continue to work here and live the life I want to start living next month. When Matt and I move in together, I want to do this right and start our life together off right. I want to be home every evening to cook dinner and to be more available to attend his shows. I want to have a job that will allow me to do night school at least if I decide to do that. I also want to have a chance to set up the house and to have it looking like a home. Right now I am also trying to find mezuzahs to hang on the door frames. I may not be Jewish yet but I do want have my home set up right from the start. I also know it means alot to Matt. And I do want to make him happy.
Wish me luck on my job interviews!!! I hope I find a good family!!!
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star

We had lunch with Matt's parents. His parents mainly talked about my school situation (they want me to do a class action lawsuit), how Matt was screwed by his school, and how they want to meet my parents (YIKES!!!). After lunch Matt's parents went to a neighborhood pool party while Matt and I stayed back at the house so he could sleep and I could do Nanny job search stuff. I had been posting on Craigslist and had quite a few emails to go through.

When we left, Matt's dad took us to the neighborhood's new outdoor pool. We had a lot of fun playing football in the pool with some of the kids and other adults. We went back to his parents' house. While his mom cooked dinner, Matt and I hung out in my room playing on our laptops. He was playing facebook games while I responded to more nanny emails. I was also curious about one I had received the day before that seem oddly strict for a "please be our nanny" email. For one thing the mother was very vague about the business they own but said that her husband sang in the Raleigh Opera. So I followed Matt's mom's advice to google her since they had a very uncommon last name. Well imagine my surprise when the majority that pops up is someone by the same name is the co-author of a BUNCH of books with Jenna Jameson. Yes the porn star. So I do more searching and I found the "business" that she owns with her husband (I used the Opera singing to narrow down the right couple) and found out that they create erotic bedtime stories put on CD's. I LOST it. Majorly. I was laughing so hard I was crying. I had to have Matt read this stuff to make sure I wasn't nuts. He was as stunned as I was. I mean when I put up the ad looking for a Nanny position, I never had the faintest idea that someone like this would contact me. I still can't believe it.
Matt's mom made Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes. They were yummy. I unfortunately accidentally rolled my steak across the table when I was trying to cut it (which lead to a night long joke of Matt singing "On top of old smokey"). Everybody had a good laugh over it but I was EXTREMELY embarrassed. After dinner we played more Rummy Que. They also taught me how to play Phase ten which was alot of fun. We played until 1am.

That evening when we got back into town, we met my folks over at TGIFridays for dinner and trivia. My parents have gotten into the trivia stuff too and we had alot fun playing. Of course it doesn't hurt when our team, Taylor Swift Is Our Stalker, came in first place!!! Yay baby!!!
I also announced to my parents that Matt and I are going to moving in together. They seem to take it okay. Honestly, they didn't say much. After trivia Matt and I went to go see Grownups at Southpoint Cinemas. It was our 5 month anniversary and we wanted to do something special for it. So we went and saw a funny movie. It was perfect.
Wednesday was pretty much dull and quiet. Just work and more emails to follow up with. The only excitement was Riley was up all night throwing up and screeching at me "I WANT MY MOMMA!!! YOU'RE NOT MY MOMMA!!! I HAVE STONES IN MY BELLY!!! I WANT MY MOMMA!!! I'LL NEVER SEE MY MOMMA AGAIN!!!". It took hours before Megan (Riley's mom) to finally return my phone call. I had to call her because Riley was continuously throwing up clear mucus. She is better now.
Today was also pretty quiet. Slept the whole day at Matt's apartment. Then I met with the mother of one of the people I am interviewing with this weekend. I have a very busy weekend a head of me. I have two interviews on Saturday and another two on Sunday. I also have two more that I have yet to schedule for next week. I hope to have a decision made by next weekend to be with a new family. I will be leaving Riley. I just can't continue to work here and live the life I want to start living next month. When Matt and I move in together, I want to do this right and start our life together off right. I want to be home every evening to cook dinner and to be more available to attend his shows. I want to have a job that will allow me to do night school at least if I decide to do that. I also want to have a chance to set up the house and to have it looking like a home. Right now I am also trying to find mezuzahs to hang on the door frames. I may not be Jewish yet but I do want have my home set up right from the start. I also know it means alot to Matt. And I do want to make him happy.
Wish me luck on my job interviews!!! I hope I find a good family!!!
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Can't Sleep...
It is 3:21 in the morning. I have to be up at 7am to make a pie and to pack. I can't sleep. Might be stress. Might be the fact that I accidentally took a 4 hour nap this evening after mowing the lawn. It was my first time on a riding lawn mower. It was fun!!
I reposted my ad on craigslist today for a nanny job. Recieve 2 phone calls and three emails. I still have to call the phone calls back. I'll do that tomorrow on the way to Myrtle Beach. I am excited to go to the beach. I am really happy to see Matt's parents again. I really love his family. :)
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
I reposted my ad on craigslist today for a nanny job. Recieve 2 phone calls and three emails. I still have to call the phone calls back. I'll do that tomorrow on the way to Myrtle Beach. I am excited to go to the beach. I am really happy to see Matt's parents again. I really love his family. :)
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Friday, July 2, 2010
A Lifetime Of Drama In Just A Few Days.
So I have alot of catching up to do. Let me just take it day by day. Hopefully it will be less confusing that way.

So that is my week in a nutshell. This weekend is still crazy and not even starting yet. I am going to Matt's show tomorrow night. Then Saturday making a pecan pie to take to Matt's parents house because we are going to Myrtle Beach for the 4th.
While we are down there we are going to try to see if Matt's dad will bless him. We are trying anything we can to change our luck. I am going to get some sage and burn it at his place. I need to figure out how to get blessed myself. I need help. Matt needs help. Its more than just negative thoughts. We can't seem to achieve any of our goals. Neither of us can find a job. I can't go to school nor can I graduate. He has to move out of his apartment but can't afford anything without me but right now I live off of $450 a month. I can't move in with him. Which means he has no place to live as of September. Any suggestions?
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
- Saw a crazy woman at the bank. She left her car that SHE was driving outside the carport drive up area to walk up to the tube delivery area.
- Met with the Dean of Miller- Motte College. He told me that I could retake the Sterile Processing class for free (but the way he phrased it made it seem like they would still take my financial aid but not charge me the monthly tuition. He won't let me take the Surgical Tech classes I was promised because there are too many student signed up for it.
- I called around to the various community colleges and found out that none of my class are transferable. Not a single one.
- I found out that Community Colleges don't take Sally May loans.
- The school furthest from me has the program I want most but the school that has old credits from years ago has no programs of interest for me.
- Recieved a job offer to watch a 9 month old for 30 hours a weekend. The pay would only be $100 a week. NO THANKS!
- It is going to cost me $1600 a semester to go to school up front.
- Matt tried to cheer me up by taking me out for ice cream.
- My parents joined us for trivia at Kildaire's. We got up to 7th place.

- Matt took me to go play putt-putt and video games at Frankie's Fun Park. We had alot of fun.
- Matt beat me at putt-putt. :)
- He is awesome at Guitar Hero!
- We also saw duckies on the course.
- That night Matt and I did trivia at TGI Fridays in Durham. We won 3rd place!!!
- We got an AWESOME banana split too.
- Had a job interview.
- I-40 shut down due to a bomb threat.
- Trivia at Sparks. Got 4th place. Currently ranked with 39th in the league!
- Woke up to an email saying I wasn't going to get the nanny job I interviewed with the night before because I charged too much. Before the interview I checked and found out that I could charge $11.50 a hour but I could also add up to $1 to $2 an hour to that because the daughter was a 7 month old child with down syndrome. I asked for $12.50.
- When Matt found out about me not getting the job, he kind of freaked. I deserved it. I was making plans and promises after the interview went perfectly.
So that is my week in a nutshell. This weekend is still crazy and not even starting yet. I am going to Matt's show tomorrow night. Then Saturday making a pecan pie to take to Matt's parents house because we are going to Myrtle Beach for the 4th.
While we are down there we are going to try to see if Matt's dad will bless him. We are trying anything we can to change our luck. I am going to get some sage and burn it at his place. I need to figure out how to get blessed myself. I need help. Matt needs help. Its more than just negative thoughts. We can't seem to achieve any of our goals. Neither of us can find a job. I can't go to school nor can I graduate. He has to move out of his apartment but can't afford anything without me but right now I live off of $450 a month. I can't move in with him. Which means he has no place to live as of September. Any suggestions?
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Where Is Dorthy And The Wicked Witch?
So when I left Riley's today, I figured I would just go back to the apartment I am pet sitting at. Halfway there I come to an intersection where there is a cop car blocking one of the four lanes of traffic but the officer is talking to someone on a side street. I didn't know what it meant and I guess the car in front of my didn't either. We both went around the cop car and started going down the road. Suddenly the car in front slams on their brakes. Confused I looked around their car to see this:
Yes, my friends, that is a GIANT historical house coming down the street at us with the other half of it coming up behind it! It was so big it took up all four lanes. The car in front of me and I both did U- turns and got out of there. Safe to say, this was not how I was expecting to see this morning.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Yes, my friends, that is a GIANT historical house coming down the street at us with the other half of it coming up behind it! It was so big it took up all four lanes. The car in front of me and I both did U- turns and got out of there. Safe to say, this was not how I was expecting to see this morning.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
I Have Alot Of Thinking To Do...
I am over at Riley's again. She has been in bed for a while. The quiet has left me with alot of time to think and I don't know if it is because of the stress of my situation that is making me sick or if I have caught some sort of stomach bug.
As I mentioned before I have a meeting with my Sterile Processing teacher and the Dean of Miller- Motte College on Monday. I am nervous about what is going to be said. I am starting to get to the point where I really don't trust anything. I noticed that Ms. Walker has finally graded my paper. I have a 100% on it. While it was a decent paper, I don't know if I got that grade because I earned it or because she is covering her ass.
Whatever the outcome of the meeting, I know I am not going back to MMC next quarter. I don't know if I am going to Durham Tech or Wake Tech this fall or if I can even get in. I don't even know if I want to continue at this point with school. I kind of want to take a break from it and get a full time job to go along with the job I have with Riley. If I do this option I can make enough to move in with Matt and out of my parents' place (I was only living there to keep my cost down while I was in school). Plus I can put money away for when I do go back to school.
If I do go to school, I have a few things to figure out. It mainly has to deal with rather or not Durham Tech and Wake Tech will even take my credits or not. There is a very good chance that they may not take my credits which means I have to start ALL over again with even the basics. If I have to start all over, should I just pick another major to do or continue with Surgical Technology (they both offer this program) which was my original goal at MMC? If I do pick another major what do I pick? The job that I have had that I have loved the most was being a nanny (not like I am to Riley right now but a real daytime nanny) but I know that there is no future in that nor can I raise a family on that kind of salary. There is no job security. I chose Surgical Technology because anatomy fascinates me and health care jobs are in demand and there is job security there. But will I be happy there?
I plan on talking to the other colleges on Monday after my meeting to find out if they will take my credits or not. Then I will have to figure out what I am going to do. I also have to figure out finical aid and loans too. Plus I have to weigh which campus I want to go to. Durham Tech is closer but muggings, etc are common. Wake Tech is safer but almost an hour away so the gas is going to cost alot.
I don't know what to do... Any suggestions?
Namaste my friends,
Kelly Star
As I mentioned before I have a meeting with my Sterile Processing teacher and the Dean of Miller- Motte College on Monday. I am nervous about what is going to be said. I am starting to get to the point where I really don't trust anything. I noticed that Ms. Walker has finally graded my paper. I have a 100% on it. While it was a decent paper, I don't know if I got that grade because I earned it or because she is covering her ass.
Whatever the outcome of the meeting, I know I am not going back to MMC next quarter. I don't know if I am going to Durham Tech or Wake Tech this fall or if I can even get in. I don't even know if I want to continue at this point with school. I kind of want to take a break from it and get a full time job to go along with the job I have with Riley. If I do this option I can make enough to move in with Matt and out of my parents' place (I was only living there to keep my cost down while I was in school). Plus I can put money away for when I do go back to school.
If I do go to school, I have a few things to figure out. It mainly has to deal with rather or not Durham Tech and Wake Tech will even take my credits or not. There is a very good chance that they may not take my credits which means I have to start ALL over again with even the basics. If I have to start all over, should I just pick another major to do or continue with Surgical Technology (they both offer this program) which was my original goal at MMC? If I do pick another major what do I pick? The job that I have had that I have loved the most was being a nanny (not like I am to Riley right now but a real daytime nanny) but I know that there is no future in that nor can I raise a family on that kind of salary. There is no job security. I chose Surgical Technology because anatomy fascinates me and health care jobs are in demand and there is job security there. But will I be happy there?
I plan on talking to the other colleges on Monday after my meeting to find out if they will take my credits or not. Then I will have to figure out what I am going to do. I also have to figure out finical aid and loans too. Plus I have to weigh which campus I want to go to. Durham Tech is closer but muggings, etc are common. Wake Tech is safer but almost an hour away so the gas is going to cost alot.
I don't know what to do... Any suggestions?
Namaste my friends,
Kelly Star
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Random Thoughts And Things I Have Noticed On This Blogging Platform
First of all, Kelly Star is not my real name. It is sort of a self imposed nickname/ nom de plume. Kelly is my real first name. Star is a made up last name but yet still a family name from a few generations ago. I am not going to use my real name on here because with the weirdos and whatnot out there, it would just be dumb. However, I may have to change my name after finding out that not only do I share Kelly Star with a porn star wannabe but she too has a blog on Blogger. Okay okay so she spells it Starr but it is still too close for comfort. I am debating if I should change my nom de plume but if I do, it won't have the same meaning to me as Kelly Star does. I have an email account for when I use things like craigslist that has the name Kelly Star as the senders name. When ever my phone buzzes with a notification for a email for Kelly Star, both me and Matt say it like that girl says "Super star" in, well "Superstar".
Another thing I have noticed as I hit the button marked "Next Blog" to see what is out there, I have noticed that it is either a Christianity devotion blog or a blog about some mom and her kid(s) and her happy husband (they all seem like charmed little lives that belong on a lifetime movie). Or both. I have occasionally stumbled on to a random trip blog or living in another state or country blog. This site is made up of more different people than I thought. It is interesting to read through them and briefly see the world or someone else's world through their eyes. I wonder sometimes if there is someone out there reading my posts and seeing things through my eyes.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Another thing I have noticed as I hit the button marked "Next Blog" to see what is out there, I have noticed that it is either a Christianity devotion blog or a blog about some mom and her kid(s) and her happy husband (they all seem like charmed little lives that belong on a lifetime movie). Or both. I have occasionally stumbled on to a random trip blog or living in another state or country blog. This site is made up of more different people than I thought. It is interesting to read through them and briefly see the world or someone else's world through their eyes. I wonder sometimes if there is someone out there reading my posts and seeing things through my eyes.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Friday, June 25, 2010
The Long Road Home...
I am dead exhausted writing this but I promised myself that I finish this before going to bed. We got up this morning at 7am. Okay in all honesty, Matt got up at 7am and finally managed to get me up around 7:30am. I can't do mornings. LOL
We managed to get all packed up and out the door by 8:45am. Only 45 minutes late. Matt took the first leg of the driving. I grabbed his pillows and blanket and immediately passed out. I woke up a couple of times to see that rain was causing visibility to drop to almost zero. After a bit Matt pulled over so he could take a nap too. I was too tired to really wake up at this point. I have since come up with a theory that there is something about his scent that makes me go into a deep sleep. I noticed that when ever I go over to his place, if I curl up with his blanket or pillow, even just to watch a movie, I am out like a light very quickly. Any ways, we both slept for about an hour before he started driving again. After about three hours, Matt and I switched driving. While I was driving, I noticed some interesting things. First of all I followed this one van forever because I was concerned about their dog. I don't know if you can tell or not but the dog (a Shepard mix of some sort) is crammed up against the window. The van is packed with clothing, a mattress and box spring, a rolling desk chair, and other household stuff. Poor puppy.
I also saw some really beautiful scenery.

I did go up against one of my fears. I absolutely hate driving in tunnels. I am fine if I am the passenger but as the driver it is horrible. I don't like the dark and I don't like not seeing the exit. It also doesn't really help when you are following half a house through the tunnel so then you really can't see the exit until the house moves.
We did have a sad moment when Matt realized that he had misplaced the diamond heart necklace he got me for my birthday. I had taken it off while we were fighting and didn't want to put it back on until I felt everything was resolved. He was keeping it in his pocket and we think it fell out at the rest stop off of 77S outside of Parkersburg, WV when we stop for a quick bathroom break and food. He was really upset because he felt it was a symbol of his love for me. While I am disappointed that it is gone, I am more relieved to be over our fight. We are going to search the car again when we get a chance but we are pretty sure it is at the rest area. If anyone finds it, I will pay for the shipping and I am also offering up a reward for it. It was in a plastic baggie. I hope it can be found mainly so that Matt will feel better. I hate seeing him upset.
After Matt and I switched back up again, we saw a mini- police chase. It was funny because the cop was behind us and suddenly went around us (thank god I have a thin blue line on my car!!!). We both knew the car in front of us was going to get pulled. Sure enough, the blue lights came on. And then they stayed on for about twenty minutes before the guy finally pulled over.

We were so happy to see our welcome home sign.
I loved seeing Pilot Mountain up close. Matt and I talked about coming back and camping out sometime. I can't wait. I have my Grandfather's family on my mother's side up in that area. I would love to show him more of my roots.
All and all it was a very good trip but honestly I wish I was at home. Right now I am pet sitting for some friends and their two boxers until Sunday evening. I miss my bed and my family. Hopefully I can swing by their house on Saturday.
Well, Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
We managed to get all packed up and out the door by 8:45am. Only 45 minutes late. Matt took the first leg of the driving. I grabbed his pillows and blanket and immediately passed out. I woke up a couple of times to see that rain was causing visibility to drop to almost zero. After a bit Matt pulled over so he could take a nap too. I was too tired to really wake up at this point. I have since come up with a theory that there is something about his scent that makes me go into a deep sleep. I noticed that when ever I go over to his place, if I curl up with his blanket or pillow, even just to watch a movie, I am out like a light very quickly. Any ways, we both slept for about an hour before he started driving again. After about three hours, Matt and I switched driving. While I was driving, I noticed some interesting things. First of all I followed this one van forever because I was concerned about their dog. I don't know if you can tell or not but the dog (a Shepard mix of some sort) is crammed up against the window. The van is packed with clothing, a mattress and box spring, a rolling desk chair, and other household stuff. Poor puppy.
I also saw some really beautiful scenery.

I did go up against one of my fears. I absolutely hate driving in tunnels. I am fine if I am the passenger but as the driver it is horrible. I don't like the dark and I don't like not seeing the exit. It also doesn't really help when you are following half a house through the tunnel so then you really can't see the exit until the house moves.
We did have a sad moment when Matt realized that he had misplaced the diamond heart necklace he got me for my birthday. I had taken it off while we were fighting and didn't want to put it back on until I felt everything was resolved. He was keeping it in his pocket and we think it fell out at the rest stop off of 77S outside of Parkersburg, WV when we stop for a quick bathroom break and food. He was really upset because he felt it was a symbol of his love for me. While I am disappointed that it is gone, I am more relieved to be over our fight. We are going to search the car again when we get a chance but we are pretty sure it is at the rest area. If anyone finds it, I will pay for the shipping and I am also offering up a reward for it. It was in a plastic baggie. I hope it can be found mainly so that Matt will feel better. I hate seeing him upset.
After Matt and I switched back up again, we saw a mini- police chase. It was funny because the cop was behind us and suddenly went around us (thank god I have a thin blue line on my car!!!). We both knew the car in front of us was going to get pulled. Sure enough, the blue lights came on. And then they stayed on for about twenty minutes before the guy finally pulled over.

We were so happy to see our welcome home sign.
I loved seeing Pilot Mountain up close. Matt and I talked about coming back and camping out sometime. I can't wait. I have my Grandfather's family on my mother's side up in that area. I would love to show him more of my roots.
All and all it was a very good trip but honestly I wish I was at home. Right now I am pet sitting for some friends and their two boxers until Sunday evening. I miss my bed and my family. Hopefully I can swing by their house on Saturday.
Well, Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Day Four Of The Ohio Trip!!!!
So today has been an emotional roller coaster ride. Things started off with a fight with Matt over something stupid. It was dramatic and pointless and we both ended up hurt. I won't say what it was about or who was at fault. All I will say is that Matt and I are okay now.
Matt's grandma also went into the hospital. We were worried at first because they thought that she had had a heart attack. It turns out that she only had congestive heart failure and pneumonia. Matt went by himself to go see her. I didn't think that it was right to go with him while we were fighting plus I felt like it would be disrespectful to his grandmother to bring the focus from her to our fight (we wouldn't have fought there but his family would know something was up because we wouldn't be as lovey dovey as we normally are to each other).
This afternoon (after Matt and I had made back up and he went to visit his grandma) Matt took me out to dinner with his friend, Megan. We went to a Mongolian place down on Coventry. Then we went to some of the stores along Coventry. At a used book store I found the play of Anne Of Thousand Days which is my all time favorite movie. I also found a cloth and wooden folding fan at a Buddha store.
After all that Matt took me on a trip down memory lane. He took me to a Jewish bakery where he bought me a huge chocolate pastry thingy with chocolate sprinkles and chocolate chips. Then he took me by his old temple. Then he showed me the house he grew up in. He said that if he ever moved back to Cleveland he would make an offer on it. I could see raising a family there. It was a cozy neighborhood. Then he took me to his favorite Jewish deli where I bought some yummy knishes for us and for my parents. I hadn't had a knish in years. Not since New York use to sell them at the street cart vendors.
Tonight we went to meet his friends at a bar that he use to go to when he lived there. I think it was called the Lamp Lighter. I was nervous about going because all of Matt's old girlfriends he met after high school and before he moved, he met there at the Lamp Lighter. I am not really a jealous person. I just don't like dealing with ex's. It was fun for about the first hour or so before the one I was dreading the most walked in the door. Not only is she a major slut (I say this because she would walk up to every male there including all of Matt's friends saying things like "So how come I never see you naked anymore?") but she is married and doesn't really see anyone as off limits. After seeing how uncomfortable she was making me (I mean she would wait until the very second Matt was away from me or stand outside SHRIEKING his name), Matt took me back to Brett's place. We ended watching the Titus stand up thing from the beginning and ate our pastries. Matt had gotten a huge smilie face cookie. It was when I was trying to find a fork to eat my pastry with that we found out that Brett had gone through and hidden all the forks, knives, and any other sharp object that could be found. I mean he even took the butter knives. Let me make this VERY clear- Matt and I never have been and never will be violent to each other. So we found this extremely funny that Brett would do this. We teased him about it when he came home.
Well we are leaving early in the morning to head back home.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Matt's grandma also went into the hospital. We were worried at first because they thought that she had had a heart attack. It turns out that she only had congestive heart failure and pneumonia. Matt went by himself to go see her. I didn't think that it was right to go with him while we were fighting plus I felt like it would be disrespectful to his grandmother to bring the focus from her to our fight (we wouldn't have fought there but his family would know something was up because we wouldn't be as lovey dovey as we normally are to each other).
This afternoon (after Matt and I had made back up and he went to visit his grandma) Matt took me out to dinner with his friend, Megan. We went to a Mongolian place down on Coventry. Then we went to some of the stores along Coventry. At a used book store I found the play of Anne Of Thousand Days which is my all time favorite movie. I also found a cloth and wooden folding fan at a Buddha store.
After all that Matt took me on a trip down memory lane. He took me to a Jewish bakery where he bought me a huge chocolate pastry thingy with chocolate sprinkles and chocolate chips. Then he took me by his old temple. Then he showed me the house he grew up in. He said that if he ever moved back to Cleveland he would make an offer on it. I could see raising a family there. It was a cozy neighborhood. Then he took me to his favorite Jewish deli where I bought some yummy knishes for us and for my parents. I hadn't had a knish in years. Not since New York use to sell them at the street cart vendors.
Tonight we went to meet his friends at a bar that he use to go to when he lived there. I think it was called the Lamp Lighter. I was nervous about going because all of Matt's old girlfriends he met after high school and before he moved, he met there at the Lamp Lighter. I am not really a jealous person. I just don't like dealing with ex's. It was fun for about the first hour or so before the one I was dreading the most walked in the door. Not only is she a major slut (I say this because she would walk up to every male there including all of Matt's friends saying things like "So how come I never see you naked anymore?") but she is married and doesn't really see anyone as off limits. After seeing how uncomfortable she was making me (I mean she would wait until the very second Matt was away from me or stand outside SHRIEKING his name), Matt took me back to Brett's place. We ended watching the Titus stand up thing from the beginning and ate our pastries. Matt had gotten a huge smilie face cookie. It was when I was trying to find a fork to eat my pastry with that we found out that Brett had gone through and hidden all the forks, knives, and any other sharp object that could be found. I mean he even took the butter knives. Let me make this VERY clear- Matt and I never have been and never will be violent to each other. So we found this extremely funny that Brett would do this. We teased him about it when he came home.
Well we are leaving early in the morning to head back home.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Day Three Of The Ohio Trip!!!
Today was a crazy long day. Matt was sweet enough to let me catch up on sleep. I was very grateful. I needed the sleep.

Anyways, after sleeping in, Matt took me to his cousin's glass studio, The Glass Bubble Project. His cousin, Mike, wasn't in but one of the guys that works there let us explore the shop. It was filled with lots of beautiful pieces. When Matt and I come back in November for his class reunion I plan on doing some Christmas shopping... a glass skull for my sister... a beautiful cake stand for my mother... and who knows what else. I did find this really cool paperweight that had a relief of an old man's face. I swear it looks just like my father. Unfortunately I can't take a picture of it to due it justice.
After the studio, Matt took me into the city to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I know I have been to Cleveland before when I was a child but I honestly don't remember it being a big city like Chicago or New York.
While driving to the Hall Of Fame, we saw where the Browns play.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is pretty cool. I didn't remember much from when I went, gosh, 15 years or so ago. Matt has a special love for the Hall of Fame due to his love of music and his job as DJ. I think as excited as I was to go, he may have been more excited to go even though he had been a ton of times before hand. I had a lot of fun seeing all the exhibits. Matt and I had an interesting lunch at the cafe. I had a roast beef wrap (smothered mustard of course) and he had nuked chicken tenders, a questionable spanish rice, and veggies. After that we went to that actually hall of fame part and saw the glass etched signatures. I know I couldn't take pictures inside the museum but when I saw Joni Mitchell's signature, I had to have Matt take my picture (you can't see me under the signature though). I love her voice. Her music is some of the most soothing music I have ever heard.
After spending all afternoon at the Hall of Fame, Matt and I went to grocery store to get the makings for supper. When his friends had come down to NC a few months ago, I cooked for them and they seem to love it. I had made them steaks and my famous mashed potatoes (My mashed potatoes are fully load). When they found out that there were a bit of potatoes left in the pot, all four of them raced to the kitchen to fight over who got the last bit of it. Well, for tonight I knew I would make the potatoes again. I also would make kielbasa with noodles and peppers.
While we were at the store I was amazed at some of the stuff I found for sell there. I had never seen a rutabaga before, only heard of them. Plus this place had RC cola which I am more in love with than Coca-cola. But I also found some yummy Hungarian food that I honestly wish I could have gotten to make but I didn't want to attempt to make something for the first time for the guys and ruin it.

Once we got back home I began cooking while the guys went back and forth between playing videos games and watching a Titus stand up. First I started to make the potatoes since boiling them would take forever. Then I started working on kielbasa and peppers. After slicing the meat links into 1 inch circles, I sauteed the meat in a little bit of olive oil until they swelled up and turned brown. Then I sliced up the peppers (one red, one yellow and two green for color) and half of a large sweet onion. I sauteed these in olive oil as well. Then I put them to the side to start making the potatoes while the noodles boiled. After I drained the potatoes, I dumped sour cream, a stick of butter and some milk into the pot and mashed the potatoes up until they were pretty much creamy. Then I added in oregano, chives, cilantro, sharp cheddar cheese and bacon bits. After it was all mixed, I drained the noodles and mixed the onions, peppers, and kielbasa into the noodles. The guys loved it!!!
Well, Matt is out with the guys having a guys night and I need to get some sleep.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star

Anyways, after sleeping in, Matt took me to his cousin's glass studio, The Glass Bubble Project. His cousin, Mike, wasn't in but one of the guys that works there let us explore the shop. It was filled with lots of beautiful pieces. When Matt and I come back in November for his class reunion I plan on doing some Christmas shopping... a glass skull for my sister... a beautiful cake stand for my mother... and who knows what else. I did find this really cool paperweight that had a relief of an old man's face. I swear it looks just like my father. Unfortunately I can't take a picture of it to due it justice.
After the studio, Matt took me into the city to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I know I have been to Cleveland before when I was a child but I honestly don't remember it being a big city like Chicago or New York.
While driving to the Hall Of Fame, we saw where the Browns play.

After spending all afternoon at the Hall of Fame, Matt and I went to grocery store to get the makings for supper. When his friends had come down to NC a few months ago, I cooked for them and they seem to love it. I had made them steaks and my famous mashed potatoes (My mashed potatoes are fully load). When they found out that there were a bit of potatoes left in the pot, all four of them raced to the kitchen to fight over who got the last bit of it. Well, for tonight I knew I would make the potatoes again. I also would make kielbasa with noodles and peppers.
While we were at the store I was amazed at some of the stuff I found for sell there. I had never seen a rutabaga before, only heard of them. Plus this place had RC cola which I am more in love with than Coca-cola. But I also found some yummy Hungarian food that I honestly wish I could have gotten to make but I didn't want to attempt to make something for the first time for the guys and ruin it.

Once we got back home I began cooking while the guys went back and forth between playing videos games and watching a Titus stand up. First I started to make the potatoes since boiling them would take forever. Then I started working on kielbasa and peppers. After slicing the meat links into 1 inch circles, I sauteed the meat in a little bit of olive oil until they swelled up and turned brown. Then I sliced up the peppers (one red, one yellow and two green for color) and half of a large sweet onion. I sauteed these in olive oil as well. Then I put them to the side to start making the potatoes while the noodles boiled. After I drained the potatoes, I dumped sour cream, a stick of butter and some milk into the pot and mashed the potatoes up until they were pretty much creamy. Then I added in oregano, chives, cilantro, sharp cheddar cheese and bacon bits. After it was all mixed, I drained the noodles and mixed the onions, peppers, and kielbasa into the noodles. The guys loved it!!!
Well, Matt is out with the guys having a guys night and I need to get some sleep.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Day Two Of The Ohio Trip!!
Today was just as busy and just as much fun as yesterday was. Matt and I went out to his parents' camper for lunch with about 15 members of his family. It was a blast. His dad was joking around quite a bit especially with some funny hats. Matt ended up wearing one of them at one point.
Matt's parents taught me how to play rummy Q. It was alot of fun and I caught on quickly. Apparently his ENTIRE family plays this game. At one point, Matt and I walked down to the game room. Along the way I returned a call from Ms. Walker that I missed earlier. She was upset that I called the Dean again. I have a meeting with the two of them on Monday at 9:30am. No clue what the meeting is about but I already know that I am not going to this school after this quarter.
After the game room visit, we went back to the camper for lunch. I enjoyed watching Matt's little cousins play. They were cute playing in the water. Of course when we were leaving, Matt's father had to spray us with the hose (of course causing me to scream... twice... LOL).
After the cookout we went to my Aunt Jan and Uncle Marc's house in Westlake. My cousins, the twins (Sam and Evan) and Caroline, were there (although Caroline wasn't able to make it until after dinner due to a church meeting. I feel so old seeing my cousins. I always think of them as little kids and not the 14 year olds and 16 year old that they are. (The pictures are borrowed from their facebook pages because I didn't remember to actually take pictures. Sorry...). My Aunt Jan made amazing steaks, yummy walnut and cranberry salad, sliced fruit, and herby potatoes. She fixed some sort of ice cream cake for dessert. After that Caroline showed up with S'mores fixings so we all went out to the fire pit. It was nice and relaxing. It was good to see them again. I usually only see them at Thanksgiving.
Well, it is late. I feel my sleeping bag calling me.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Matt's parents taught me how to play rummy Q. It was alot of fun and I caught on quickly. Apparently his ENTIRE family plays this game. At one point, Matt and I walked down to the game room. Along the way I returned a call from Ms. Walker that I missed earlier. She was upset that I called the Dean again. I have a meeting with the two of them on Monday at 9:30am. No clue what the meeting is about but I already know that I am not going to this school after this quarter.
After the game room visit, we went back to the camper for lunch. I enjoyed watching Matt's little cousins play. They were cute playing in the water. Of course when we were leaving, Matt's father had to spray us with the hose (of course causing me to scream... twice... LOL).
After the cookout we went to my Aunt Jan and Uncle Marc's house in Westlake. My cousins, the twins (Sam and Evan) and Caroline, were there (although Caroline wasn't able to make it until after dinner due to a church meeting. I feel so old seeing my cousins. I always think of them as little kids and not the 14 year olds and 16 year old that they are. (The pictures are borrowed from their facebook pages because I didn't remember to actually take pictures. Sorry...). My Aunt Jan made amazing steaks, yummy walnut and cranberry salad, sliced fruit, and herby potatoes. She fixed some sort of ice cream cake for dessert. After that Caroline showed up with S'mores fixings so we all went out to the fire pit. It was nice and relaxing. It was good to see them again. I usually only see them at Thanksgiving.
Well, it is late. I feel my sleeping bag calling me.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
Monday, June 21, 2010
Day One Of The Ohio Trip!
Today was the longest days also one of the funniest I have had in the longest time.

When we finally got to Cleveland, we went to Matt's friend, Dave's house to get ready for the reunion. I had met Dave before when he came down to visit Matt back in March. Dave lives with his parents and brother. I swear his brother looks just like Elliot Stabler from Law & Order: SVU. After showers and getting decent, we went to Imperial Wok for his family reunion. I will admit, I was nervous as hell but it turns out that I had nothing to worry about. Everyone greeted me with a smile, a hug, and usually a kiss too. I loved how one of his cousin when introduced to me, turned to Matt saying "What are you doing right down there?". That sent both Matt and I into big smiles. I loved meeting his grandmother. She is a sweet soul. She was telling me about how they get together every couple of years. She also told me they were having another in two years and that I should make plans to come to that one too. Matt says that she approves of me dating him. Yay!!! The shiksa got approved!!!
After the reunion, Matt and I went to a bar to meet all of his friends for some pay-per-view wrestling thing. If you don't know by now, let me tell you. I can't stand wrestling. Well, I like high school and college wrestling. The real stuff. I hate the WWE Raw, etc wrestling. I will tolerate it when I am with Matt if I can do something else, like read or sleep or clean the bathroom. LOL Well that is what I ended up doing. Reading I mean. I sat there and read my nook. I am reading Burned (House of Night #7). I was happy and so was Matt. We both got to do what we enjoyed and still was able to spend time together.
After all that we went to his other friend, Brett's house to spend the night. I swear I will crash out as soon as my head hits my pillow.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
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