We had lunch with Matt's parents. His parents mainly talked about my school situation (they want me to do a class action lawsuit), how Matt was screwed by his school, and how they want to meet my parents (YIKES!!!). After lunch Matt's parents went to a neighborhood pool party while Matt and I stayed back at the house so he could sleep and I could do Nanny job search stuff. I had been posting on Craigslist and had quite a few emails to go through.

When we left, Matt's dad took us to the neighborhood's new outdoor pool. We had a lot of fun playing football in the pool with some of the kids and other adults. We went back to his parents' house. While his mom cooked dinner, Matt and I hung out in my room playing on our laptops. He was playing facebook games while I responded to more nanny emails. I was also curious about one I had received the day before that seem oddly strict for a "please be our nanny" email. For one thing the mother was very vague about the business they own but said that her husband sang in the Raleigh Opera. So I followed Matt's mom's advice to google her since they had a very uncommon last name. Well imagine my surprise when the majority that pops up is someone by the same name is the co-author of a BUNCH of books with Jenna Jameson. Yes the porn star. So I do more searching and I found the "business" that she owns with her husband (I used the Opera singing to narrow down the right couple) and found out that they create erotic bedtime stories put on CD's. I LOST it. Majorly. I was laughing so hard I was crying. I had to have Matt read this stuff to make sure I wasn't nuts. He was as stunned as I was. I mean when I put up the ad looking for a Nanny position, I never had the faintest idea that someone like this would contact me. I still can't believe it.
Matt's mom made Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes. They were yummy. I unfortunately accidentally rolled my steak across the table when I was trying to cut it (which lead to a night long joke of Matt singing "On top of old smokey"). Everybody had a good laugh over it but I was EXTREMELY embarrassed. After dinner we played more Rummy Que. They also taught me how to play Phase ten which was alot of fun. We played until 1am.

That evening when we got back into town, we met my folks over at TGIFridays for dinner and trivia. My parents have gotten into the trivia stuff too and we had alot fun playing. Of course it doesn't hurt when our team, Taylor Swift Is Our Stalker, came in first place!!! Yay baby!!!
I also announced to my parents that Matt and I are going to moving in together. They seem to take it okay. Honestly, they didn't say much. After trivia Matt and I went to go see Grownups at Southpoint Cinemas. It was our 5 month anniversary and we wanted to do something special for it. So we went and saw a funny movie. It was perfect.
Wednesday was pretty much dull and quiet. Just work and more emails to follow up with. The only excitement was Riley was up all night throwing up and screeching at me "I WANT MY MOMMA!!! YOU'RE NOT MY MOMMA!!! I HAVE STONES IN MY BELLY!!! I WANT MY MOMMA!!! I'LL NEVER SEE MY MOMMA AGAIN!!!". It took hours before Megan (Riley's mom) to finally return my phone call. I had to call her because Riley was continuously throwing up clear mucus. She is better now.
Today was also pretty quiet. Slept the whole day at Matt's apartment. Then I met with the mother of one of the people I am interviewing with this weekend. I have a very busy weekend a head of me. I have two interviews on Saturday and another two on Sunday. I also have two more that I have yet to schedule for next week. I hope to have a decision made by next weekend to be with a new family. I will be leaving Riley. I just can't continue to work here and live the life I want to start living next month. When Matt and I move in together, I want to do this right and start our life together off right. I want to be home every evening to cook dinner and to be more available to attend his shows. I want to have a job that will allow me to do night school at least if I decide to do that. I also want to have a chance to set up the house and to have it looking like a home. Right now I am also trying to find mezuzahs to hang on the door frames. I may not be Jewish yet but I do want have my home set up right from the start. I also know it means alot to Matt. And I do want to make him happy.
Wish me luck on my job interviews!!! I hope I find a good family!!!
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
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