Today was the longest days also one of the funniest I have had in the longest time.

Matt and I left my parents' house at 4am this morning. The plan was for me to drive pretty much the whole way up since Matt had two shows that afternoon. Matt slept off and on during the ride up (isn't he cute when he sleeps?). My parents insisted that we use their Garmen instead of using my VZ Navigator. Big mistake. It wasn't until we were in Virginia that we realized that the Garmen was sending up all back roads and no interstates or highways. It was fine until we hit the mountains. At that point we saw the Garmen on roads that would U turn so quickly that they more resembled Cancer awareness ribbons than roads. It was so hard because it was super foggy this morning. I now know why it is called the Smoky Mountains.
We also noticed that the route it was sending us on was really odd. If we went up mountains, we would be in Virgina. However, if we went down a mountain, then we would be in West Virgina. This happened a couple of times before we actually stayed in West Virgina. At least the views were pretty. It was while we were in West Virgina and on the phone with Matt's mom that she helped us discovered that while on our family vacation to Chicago last year, my father had programed the Garmen to avoid Toll Roads. Well, Matt and I promptly changed that and thus changed our route. Instead of heading to Marietta (which would have taken us to a route that Matt was familiar with), it changed our route to go to Pennsylvania. Of course we didn't know this until we saw this:

Well, at this point we figure that we will only be in Pennsylvania for just a little bit. Nope, we were there for TWO HOURS before we picked up the turnpike. Once in Pennsylvania, Matt and I switched up driving because I was exhausted. When we crossed over into Ohio I noticed a really cool car (I LOVE old cars) and a odd sight that I can't explain... Yep that is a driver with her bare foot out the window. What you can't tell from this angle is that she also had a dog in her lap.
When we finally got to Cleveland, we went to Matt's friend, Dave's house to get ready for the reunion. I had met Dave before when he came down to visit Matt back in March. Dave lives with his parents and brother. I swear his brother looks just like Elliot Stabler from Law & Order: SVU. After showers and getting decent, we went to Imperial Wok for his family reunion. I will admit, I was nervous as hell but it turns out that I had nothing to worry about. Everyone greeted me with a smile, a hug, and usually a kiss too. I loved how one of his cousin when introduced to me, turned to Matt saying "What are you doing right down there?". That sent both Matt and I into big smiles. I loved meeting his grandmother. She is a sweet soul. She was telling me about how they get together every couple of years. She also told me they were having another in two years and that I should make plans to come to that one too. Matt says that she approves of me dating him. Yay!!! The shiksa got approved!!!
After the reunion, Matt and I went to a bar to meet all of his friends for some pay-per-view wrestling thing. If you don't know by now, let me tell you. I can't stand wrestling. Well, I like high school and college wrestling. The real stuff. I hate the WWE Raw, etc wrestling. I will tolerate it when I am with Matt if I can do something else, like read or sleep or clean the bathroom. LOL Well that is what I ended up doing. Reading I mean. I sat there and read my nook. I am reading Burned (House of Night #7). I was happy and so was Matt. We both got to do what we enjoyed and still was able to spend time together.
After all that we went to his other friend, Brett's house to spend the night. I swear I will crash out as soon as my head hits my pillow.
Namaste my friends.
Kelly Star
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